Do You Know Anyone
who is limited in their ability to do the things they enjoy doing because of Back Pain? please have them call our office at 845-331-6233 to receive $10 off our comprehensive chiropractic spinal examination, a value of $ only $50* |

Dr. Blisko specializes in spinal injury prevention.
As part of your normal treatment, Dr. Blisko will employ the most state of the art exercises and correct body activation methods taught in advanced rehabilitation programs to date.
His Goal is to empower you with the auto-ergonomic body activation methods which will help you to avoid spinal injury in the future.
Dr. Blisko has observed that patients get better in half the treatment time before he began employing these body activation techniques.
To get a sense of the kinds of training and information you will receive in injury prevention visit his Video Gallery to view and utilize his 24 injury prevention instructional videos.
As part of your normal treatment, Dr. Blisko will employ the most state of the art exercises and correct body activation methods taught in advanced rehabilitation programs to date.
His Goal is to empower you with the auto-ergonomic body activation methods which will help you to avoid spinal injury in the future.
Dr. Blisko has observed that patients get better in half the treatment time before he began employing these body activation techniques.
To get a sense of the kinds of training and information you will receive in injury prevention visit his Video Gallery to view and utilize his 24 injury prevention instructional videos.
Dr. Blisko's primary goal is to help his patients to learn how to use your body the way it was built to be used so they are less prone to injury and unnecessary, preventable pain.
Have those that you wish to refer visit his website: click on the "video gallery" tab. There they will find 24 injury prevention videos created by Dr. Blisko to help them begin to learn the techniques they need to know to help them to avoid more serious spinal injury. Please let others know that Anthony Blisko DC is now Certified in Post Surgical Spine Rehabilitation Training by the American Chiropractic Association. He has received training about the most effective forms of low force spinal treatment and target exercises which help resolve the symptoms and limits to activity caused by disc herniation. Please have those you care about call Dr. Blisko’s office today for them to receive their complimentary spinal evaluation. The number to reach our office is 845-331-6233.
*This special complimentary examination offer ends on April 15th, 2019
*This special complimentary examination offer ends on April 15th, 2019