(An excerpt from my upcoming book)

One of the hallmarks of neuropathy is a progressive but silent atrophy of the soft tissue elements which are required to stabilize the spine. This form of silent neuropathic soft tissue atrophy is documented in the research by Chan Gunn MD.* His work validates one of the principles of chiropractic which is that gradual or repeated trauma to the spine in the way of poor posture, one-sided activities, or other forms of abnormal body use run counter to how the body was built to be used. This leads to pathological changes in nerve function. The neural tissue sends two types of input to the cells they communicate with, the nerve impulses that coordinate body function as well as life-sustaining chemicals called trophic factors. The word atrophy has as its root the word “trophic”. Dr. Gunn’s research revealed that silent atrophy of the soft tissue stabilizing elements within the spine progressively occurred over a period of time prior to the onset of pain. The onset of back pain typically occurs only after spinal instability resulting from ongoing neuropathic atrophy of supportive ligaments, tendons, discs and muscles within the region of lost spinal motion and symmetry causes those weak stabilizing elements to eventually fail. Once the supportive elements within the area of spinal damage fail and you first began to experience back pain, you may think you just “threw your back out.”
"It is like having a muffler silently develop a rust spot internally over time."

Over a number of years, as the rusting area on the muffler weakens and thins, it becomes more susceptible to developing a hole in the weakest point within the rusted area. It is only at the moment when you hit that big bump that the rusted area within in your muffler crumbles apart that you first hear the loud noise. Although you may think that you have just developed a muffler problem, the rust spot within the muffler had been developing for two to three years. It is only when this weak point in the muffler went from sub-failure to total failure that you were alerted to the problem for the first time. Similarly, when you simply bent forward to pick up a pencil and you first began experiencing pain is the moment that the damaged area of the spine has crossed the threshold from sub-failure of the soft tissue stabilizing elements to total failure of spinal stability. This moment where spinal stability fails and pain begins is referred to as a crescendo event.
Please pass along these important insights to your friends and relatives. Everyone receives traumas in their life and most people do not activate their body properly. Help them to prevent unnecessary pain, suffering and spinal degeneration in the way of arthritis from limiting their life.
We are here for all of you...
Anthony A. Blisko DC
*C. Chan Gunn, MD (from chapter 28 of Bonica’s Management of Pain, Third Edition, John D. Losser, MD, et al., Linnincott Williams and Wilkins.)
Please pass along these important insights to your friends and relatives. Everyone receives traumas in their life and most people do not activate their body properly. Help them to prevent unnecessary pain, suffering and spinal degeneration in the way of arthritis from limiting their life.
We are here for all of you...
Anthony A. Blisko DC
*C. Chan Gunn, MD (from chapter 28 of Bonica’s Management of Pain, Third Edition, John D. Losser, MD, et al., Linnincott Williams and Wilkins.)